Established in 2012, Kipalo Hills has lovely views of Mbulia Hills, Tsavo National Park and, on a clear day, Mt Kilimanjaro. Meaning ‘a special place one returns to again and again’, Kipalo is just that. The only camp in Mbulia Conservancy, Kipalo offers peace, privacy and

Established in 2012, Kipalo Hills has lovely views of Mbulia Hills, Tsavo National Park and, on a clear day, Mt Kilimanjaro. Meaning ‘a special place one returns to again and again’, Kipalo is just that. The only camp in Mbulia Conservancy, Kipalo offers peace, privacy and ...

Ol Donyo Lodge, in 275,000-acre Mbirikani Maasai Group Ranch on the slopes of the Chyulu Hills National Park, has stunning views of Mt Kilimanjaro. In the path of traditional wildlife migration routes, the lodge is ideally situated to view the abundant wildlife.

The lodge was

Ol Donyo Lodge, in 275,000-acre Mbirikani Maasai Group Ranch on the slopes of the Chyulu Hills National Park, has stunning views of Mt Kilimanjaro. In the path of traditional wildlife migration routes, the lodge is ideally situated to view the abundant wildlife. The lodge was ...
